Wednesday, August 10th | 2:00 PM ET
Is Your Data Standardized and Usable?
As COVID brought to the forefront the value of reliable and matched clinical and non-clinical data to create a longitudinal record picture of a patient, it also highlighted the challenge of accessing accurate patient data due to the various sources of information.
We have a great opportunity to hear the latest updates from ONC on their patient matching initiatives and why these initiatives are so important for providers and HIE’s and other data organizations for collaborating and improving patient engagement and outcomes and making healthcare accessible and reliable to all organizations that need access to that data.
Learning Objectives:
- Update on ONC’s interoperability and patient matching, standardization initiatives including Project US@, the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI), and the Interoperability Standards Advisory
- Discuss the value of standardization of health data and what it means to use the data
- Understand the need but some of the challenges of accessing and usability of the data
- Carmen Smiley, IT Specialist, Office of Technology, Standards Division, Office of the National Coordinator, HHS
- Dan Paoletti, CEO, CliniSync – Ohio Health Information Partnership