
May 28, 2020

Webinar: Contact Tracing and Patient Matching (data and analytics for managing COVID-19)

Patient matching is required to maintain precise data to identify and track suspected or confirmed patient cases by state concurrently with the availability of bed capacity in order to mobilize people and facilities to care for the growing number of cases across the United States. First responders, hospitals, health systems, medical practices, ACOs, HIEs and public health agencies need the data insights to make informed decisions mobilizing people and facilities to care for the growing number of cases in various regions across the U.S.

Join us for a a discussion about building a complete picture of the COVID-19 pandemic – including accurate patient matched demographics, aggregated clinical characteristics, health system monitoring and economic consequences – is critical to preparedness and response at regional, state and national levels.

During this webinar, we will look at how important patient matching is for accurate data along with a comprehensive analytics platform is necessary to support stakeholders across the ecosystem to inform in “real-time” life-saving tracking and decisions during a time of unprecedented need. Don’t miss this discussion as senior health IT members share “key insights” in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

– Harvey Guindi, CIO, Health Network Laboratories
– Ben Moscovitch Project Director, Health Information Technology The Pew Charitable Trusts
– Vineeth Yeddula, Co-Founder & CEO, KPI Ninja
– Gregg Church, President, 4medica

View Recorded Webinar

Different categories of visuals and metrics enable users to gain insights on what has been ordered, processed and the results.

  • Critical testing information categorized to understand volumes and prevalence of positive cases
  • Grouped clinical risk factors identify patients at higher risk of contracting severe forms of the disease
  • Comprehensive view of when and where patients seek out care, with notifications for movement of positive COVID-19 cases
  • Real-time monitoring of the region’s hospital bed status with dashboards, reports and alerts to support emergency medical services, first responders, and public health agencies
